Sunday, April 3, 2011

From Chile to Argentina

Hola locos!

So now after less than two weeks we have maed it to Argentinan side to Bariloche. After leaving from Santiago we took a bous tour to Pucon, and the bus stopped for one night in Pichilemu, quite a funny little village. In Pucon we stayed for three four nights, since the place was incredible. Well, the village itself was pquite turisty and definitely not representative of nirmakl CHilean cillage, but the surroundings were amazing. Mountains, lakes geothermic hot springs, volcano. And we did all that. For the best view ever we climbed up to volcani Villarica, which had glacier on the top, and if we eould have been lucky we could have seen some lava in the crater. Well, we didnt see the lava but we surely felt the gases pwhen we were standin on the pegde of the crater. Awesome view and lovely hike.

Two days after thart we took a but to Argentinan side, to San Martin de los Andes, and once again while sitting in the but the landscape when crossing the Andes was just crazy. On the Cihlean side the mountains were lush green and moist and as soon as we got to the other sine in Argentina, it became dry and windy and bushy, just like in the cowboy movies =)

We spent two days in San Martin and on the other day we rented mountain bnikes and were biking the whole day up to a closed ski resort from where we came back down to the village on a bumpy and rough dirt road, was good fun though! And yesterday we took the "scenery ride" with the bus via the road of weven lakes, again, some more lovely scenery. And after stopping for a while in Villa de Angostura we arrived to Bariloche.

Today we are planning to have an administrative day and find about all thr hiking thracks and possibilities where we could head opf tomorrow  for few days. MAybe three days and two nights in the mountains would be enough. Then we have to also fond about the buses going south to El Chalten and El Calafate, to see some more amazing moutnains and glaciers =) Cant wait! Sorry, no pictures this time, the compu seems to be more than slow.

Hugs and kisses to you all, greetings from Argenita <3

1 comment:

  1. :) Mahtavaa! Varokaa El Calafatessa kalliita turistisessioita ei jäätiköillä, sille hienoimmalle pääsee bussilla ja sieltä pääsee vielä veneellä ilman mitään varauksia :) Mutta ehkä ootte jo onnistu väistää aika monet turistivedätykset :D Hyvä telttailualue ja hauskat kauhut jotka tulee mielellään grillailee :) :) El Chaltenissa ilmainen telttailu, mutta ota omat vessapaprut, hihi...ja eväät :D
    Pitäkää hauskaa rakkaat ja ottakaa paljon kuvia jäätiköltä!
